I was born a "solid" baby, was a chunky kid...so I've been "fluffy" my whole life. Along with the weight issues have come many emotional and health problems. I decided to do this blog about the rest of my journey to FINALLY get the weight off after being inspired by some awesome people who have been on the same journey as I am now. My life hasn't been all bad. I had a good childhood, with some great friends that I am still friends with to this day. I couldn't have gotten through some of the more bad times without them, and am grateful for them more than I can express. It's sad to look back now, because I realize what a massive effect, excuse the pun...my weight has had on my life. It's kept me back from a lot of things I should've experienced. And fueled the low self-esteem issues that got me into abusive relationships, toxic friendships, and started the fear of being around my own peers.
Some of the weight is because of genes..and I know that. Some of it is because I am and will probably always be an emotional eater. I am also someone who LOVES good food. I love the history, the process of making it, the smells and tasting something that can take you to heaven and back. :) But between bad habits, not so good circumstances and not exercising as much as I should be, my weight has climbed and climbed, with a few losses in between..for years now.
I'm hoping that with this blog...I, along with my great family and friends will be able to keep me accountable....you see, for the past 6 weeks..I haven't been eating much at all. Surprising huh. I eat maybe one meal a day if that, I'm just not hungry or interested. I've lost about 20 pounds *mini YEAH* but it's been done the wrong way! I'm not sure when this started exactly, and I don't know if it's because of the really bad breakup combined with death of some close *USMC and civilian* friends over the past 5 months finally catching up...I just don't know. It's time that I take advantage of the 2nd chance given to me when I heard the "C" diagnosis a lil over 2 years ago. I also want to get to know "me" without the weight and live the life I deserve to live.
My current weight is 281. My goal is 150. *Have to be honest with myself and everyone for this to work*
I don't have a time limit or a deadline. It's gonna come off the healthy way, with hard work and eating right. It's not always gonna be easy, but in the end I want to make me proud of what I've accomplished. Come along with me on my journey..I welcome your words of advice and encouragment, and maybe will be able to encourage someone else along the way.
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